When we say quality, more often than not, the word “standard” comes to mind. If we describe certain things to have standards, we have a minimum expectation in mind.
What is Standard?
According to the Standards of Malaysia Act 1996 (Act 549), a standard is defined as a document approved by a recognised body, that provides, for common and repeated use, rules, guidelines or characteristics for products or related processes and production methods, with which compliance is not mandatory, and which may also include or deal exclusively with terminology, symbols, packaging, marking or labelling requirements as they apply to a product, process or production method.
In Malaysia, the government has a Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia) under the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI). It functions as the National Standards Body and the National Accreditation Body in efforts to ensure that Malaysian products and services can meet both the nation as well as world standards.
What is SIRIM?

SIRIM is a corporate organisation that focuses on industrial research and technology and is wholly owned by the Minister of Finance Incorporated. With several subsidiaries under SIRIM Berhad, its subsidiary company SIRIM QAS International is the testing, inspection and certification services provider with accreditation from numerous bodies. These include but are not limited to:
- National Accreditation Body
- Department of Standards Malaysia (STANDARDS MALAYSIA)
- United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS)
What is the SIRIM Certification Mark all about?

When it comes to products, companies can apply for Product Certification and Inspection and essentially, what happens is Product Certification Licence or test report will be given to a product that has met specific requirements. Depending on the specific product, the process for certification may vary as standards for one product may be different from the next. Generally, the process covers testing of the product, factory audits, quality control (QC) plan adequacy and record-keeping systems.
The process of testing products is a thorough one. Samples will be selected during Factory Audit and to be sent to SIRIM QAS International’s laboratory or any other accredited laboratories where they will undergo thorough testing to ensure they meet the specifications and requirements spelt out by the respective standards after which a full type test report and Product Certification Licence will be issued. However, products that had a partial test will be issued a product test report instead of a Product Certification Licence. From start to finish, the process could take weeks, months, or even years.
Once the Product Certification Licence has been issued, the company can now use the SIRIM Certification Mark for that certified item only.

Why does this matter to me?
Whether you’re making a purchase as a consumer or as a business, you would want to make sure the products are worthwhile. By being an informed and knowledgeable buyer, you can make decisions that help save costs in the long run and you’re also ensured that safety standards are met. If you ever have any doubts about a particular product’s certification, just head on over to the SIRIM Directory Service to check the licence.
In a nutshell, high-quality products will usually give you a high-quality experience when using the product but it is not necessarily pricey.
A brand that spent years providing quality assurance
With our mission to be one of the trusted door and window accessories brands, it is our responsibility to provide quality assurance to all stakeholders who put their trust in us. Therefore, VSP registered and received the first Product Certification Licence for Single-Axis Hinges (Shower Hinge) in 2012. In the following years, VSP received another six Product Certification Licences for Window Handles, Folding Door Rollers, Friction Stays, Mortise Locks, Floor Springs and Door Closers.
VSP is determined to strive for excellence through continuous innovation, improvement, an intense focus on stakeholder needs.
We hope this is useful in your information search when surveying various products and helps you make informed decisions in the future now that you know the processes involved.